Labor Rights

Oneness Biotech protects the basic human rights of all employees, customers and stakeholders. We follow the “United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, the “United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights”, the “United Nations Global Compact” and the “ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work”, respect internationally recognized basic human rights, abide by the labor laws and regulations of the place of operation, and formulate human rights policies and specific management plans. 


Company Commitment

Oneness Biotech thinks protecting human rights as an important foundation of sustainable business. In order to create a happy enterprise, all stages of our operations take into account human rights issues and emphasize the importance of the management of related risks.


Human rights policies and management approaches

Diversity and Equality
  • To provide an equal and diverse work environment and adhere to the principles of openness and fairness. We do not treat our employees differently in language, attitude or behavior due to their socioeconomic status, age, gender, sexual orientation, marriage, family status, physical or mental disability, ethnicity, religion, appearance, nationality, language, political orientation, or pregnancy. Harassment is prohibited and privacy respected to strive to create a work environment that provides equal opportunities, dignity, safety, equality and is free of discrimination and harassment.
  • To ensure there are no treatment differences in the employment policy, we take into account the employee’s qualifications, performance, skills and experience to conduct employment, remuneration and benefits, training, appraisal and promotion. We also provide an effective and appropriate grievance mechanism and multiple communication outlets to avoid matters that pose harm to the rights and interests of employees, and create the working environment for equal appointments and equal remuneration.


Prohibition of Human Trafficking, Forced Labor and Child Labor
  • To prohibit any form of human trafficking, forced labor and other actions which violate human rights
  • To comply with the local regulations for age requirements, and prohibit employment of child labor.


Providing Fair Salary and Working Conditions
  • To provide the remuneration and benefits that meet or are better than the minimum required by local laws and regulations.
  • To formulate legal and reasonable regulations, and to monitor and manage employee attendance on a regular basis.


Providing a Safe and Healthy Workplace
  • Put highly emphasis on the safety and health of working environment, which enable all employees to work under the environment that is healthy, safe and caring for employee's mental and body health. All offices and the plant set zero occupational accident as the goal.


Freedom of Association
  • To respect employees’ freedom of association. Oneness Biotech does not formed the labor union. Employees are free to join external labor organizations. We have accessible and diverse labor-management communication channels in place for employees and labor representatives to communicate openly with management without retaliation, threats or harassment to create a harmonious workplace between workers and management.

Communication Feedback and Complaints Channel

Oneness Biotech appreciates opinions and ideas from different parties, and provides open and transparent communication channels. We have established an internal complaint hotline and mailbox, and we hold quarterly labor-management meetings. Additionally, when an employees’ probation period ends or when they submit their resignation, appropriate personnel are arranged to have discussions with them. Employees can use different channels to raise concerns about organizational systems and various issues in their work. No complaints were reported in 2023.


An online platform has been established on our website to allow investors, customers, employees, suppliers, communities, and the press to express opinions. In “Investor FAQs”, all communication and feedback since 2020 are disclosed in detail by date and category as part of our commitment to transparency and respecting the views of our various stakeholders. The Company upholds the core culture of constant advancement and ongoing improvement.


Internal communication and complaint channel

Human Rights Due Diligence




The Company follows international standards such as the “UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” and the “OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct.” The scope of our human rights due diligence includes self-operation (including full-time employees and contracted employees), stakeholders in business-related activities (including contractors, local residents, and clinical trial subjects), and targets of mergers and acquisitions (no mergers and acquisitions in the past three years). To learn more about labor rights management, mitigation, and compensation measures, as well as the effectiveness of implementation in 2023, please click "Learn More" below to read the related content.





※The above content is taken from the ESG Report




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