

Weight loss, Metabolism diseases

Mechanism of Action

Regulate energy balance and increase basal metabolic rate

Current Status
  1. Completed the cell pharmacology, animal pharmacology, and toxicology studies in the development phase, including pharmacology studies in liver cell line and human hepatocytes, off-target gene analysis and validation, mouse efficacy studies, and multi-species (mouse and monkey) toxicity studies. The data indicate that SNS851 is an effective and safe drug candidate.
  2. Accelerating the promotion of preclinical CMO and CRO studies
Product advantages

Efficacy data from mice showed that, under a high-fat diet, the mice exhibited:

  1. Increased basal metabolic rate
  2. No weight gain and reduced fat accumulation
  3. Improvement in the severity of fatty liver
  4. Significant improvements in metabolic markers: blood lipids (cholesterol, HDL, LDL), fasting blood glucose, and insulin resistance
  5. No reduction in muscle mass

The optimization of these indicators suggests that the mice became healthier.

Market Potentials

The global development of weight loss drugs focuses on medications that prevent muscle loss. According to statistics from market analysis agencies, the number of global patients with obesity and fatty liver is approximately 3 billion and 2 billion, respectively. The global market is estimated to reach $100 billion by 2030 and $32.5 billion by 2032.

R&D Progress
In Progress
Research Code Therapeutic Area Indication Pre-Clinical Phase I Phase II Phase III NDA Market More
  • SNS851
    Weight loss
    Metabolism diseases

    SNS851 is an innovative siRNA drug for weight loss and improving metabolism-related markers. Efficacy data from mouse studies showed that even under a high-fat diet, mice exhibited increased basal metabolic rate, no weight gain, reduced fat accumulation, improvement in the severity of fatty liver, significant improvements in blood lipids and blood glucose markers, and no reduction in muscle mass, indicating that the mice became healthier.



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