Water Resources

Water is an essential resource in the pharmaceutical process of Oneness Biotech. Water plays a key role in the cultivation of botanical raw materials, active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), and the preparation of medicines and medical supplements. As a pharmaceutical company committed to sustainable development, we have completed the assessment and mitigation of the risks associated with water quality deterioration, scarcity, and water use and wastewater management.


Water Risk Analysis

After assessment, all of our operations and the cultivation of our main raw materials are located in areas with low water supply risk, and there is no risk of immediate water shortage. However, as the impact of global climate change intensifies, there is a high degree of uncertainty in the stable long-term supply of water resources. To cope with possible future water shortage challenges, we are committed to promoting good water resources management, including effective use of water resources and stringent measures for treatment of water discharges.



Water Withdrawal (Unit: M3


Water Pollution Prevention and Control

In order to mitigate the potential environmental impact of the operations, the wastewater treatment of Oneness Biotech complies with the requirements of environmental laws and regulations. Wastewater from the Xinyi and Nangang locations is discharged into municipal sewages for treatment, and Cotton Field Organic Farm’s wastewater is discharged into local channels. By monitoring water consumption and responsibly disposing wastewater, we not only mitigate our environmental impact but also contribute to the long-term resilience and equity of water rights in the region.


Wastewater Monitoring

The Nanchou Plant operates in a higher standard than the legal requirements, and a third-party impartial unit is commissioned to test whether the discharged water meets the legal discharge standards every 6 months. Meanwhile, Oneness Biotech understands that the area around Nanchou Plant contains a large amount of farmland. In order to let stakeholders understand the quality of the discharged water, Oneness Biotech actively conducts sampling and analysis of the discharged water quality on a “daily” basis. The data obtained is all in line with the discharged water standards and is publicly disclosed on the official website of Oneness Biotech (View data below).


Wastewater Volume (Unit: M3


2024 Self-Testing of Effluent Quality


Mnoth Data of Testing Result
January meets standards
February meets standards
March meets standards
April meets standards
May meets standards
June meets standards
July meets standards
August meets standards

※The above content is taken from the ESG Report




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