Message from the Chairman



The year 2023 was filled with challenges and opportunities. Thanks to the dedication of our company team, we have achieved several remarkable accomplishments. These successes have not only propelled the company's future growth but also positively impacted society and the environment, establishing a solid foundation for our sustainable operations.


One of the most notable achievements was our breakthrough in the Chinese market. We successfully obtained approval for the first “Class 1.1 natural new drug” by National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) in China. This milestone is not only a commercial success for Oneness Biotech but also significantly improves the quality of life for diabetes patients and alleviates the burden on the healthcare system. Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcers may suffer from severe depression, and our patented new drug offers hope and change for these vulnerable individuals.


In addition to our breakthroughs in China, we also made significant strides in other countries, including obtaining EU import approval for scar treatment medical devices and securing import permits for medical devices in India, New Zealand, and South Africa. These accomplishments represent a significant milestone toward our goal of global market expansion.


In terms of sustainable development, the Company has made remarkable progress. We stood out among 13,000 companies worldwide invited to participate in sustainability assessments, becoming the first pharmaceutical company in Taiwan to be included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI). Additionally, we have been listed in the S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook for two consecutive years (2023-2024). According to the report, out of the 28 sub-items assessed, 16 ranked in the top 5%, with full scores in product stewardship, transparency and reporting, marketing practices, and occupational health and safety. Innovation management, product quality and recall management, environmental policy and management systems, materiality, business ethics, policy influence, and biodiversity ranked in the top 3% among the global pharmaceutical industry. This recognition not only affirms our commitment to sustainable operations but also further solidifies our leading position in sustainable development.


We believe that ESG is not only a corporate social responsibility that must be fulfilled but also a sustainable competitive advantage that drives company growth. Looking ahead, we will continue to focus on innovative research and development, creating market-exclusive drugs to meet patients' medical needs, while consistently implementing corporate governance to drive the company's growth. At the same time, we will continue to make positive contributions to society and the environment. We firmly believe that through our efforts and collaboration, we can create sustainable shared value and achieve a brighter future.







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