Sustainable Management Structure

Vision of Sustainability

Following its core business values of “Integrity, Innovation, and Love”, Oneness Biotech establishes alliance with integrity, expands to new market with innovation, and gives feedback to the society with love. We will continue increasing our strength in research and development in order to develop world-class innovative drugs and help create a healthy life for the humankind. We will integrate sustainability strategies into business operation and development, carry out our corporate social responsibilities, and protect a sustainable environment for future generations.

Sustainable Management Structure

The Board of Directors (the Board) is the highest governing body in Oneness’ sustainable development. The Board is responsible for oversight of the policy, strategy and targets that related to sustainable and ESG issues, and regularly reviews the proposals reported from ESG committee. In 2023, the ESG Committee reported to the Board of Directors on February 24 and August 10. There were several ESG-related proposals that reviewed by the board, including stakeholders engagement, GHG inventory and verification, ethical management, intellectual property rights protection, ESG report and sustainable development actions.


The General Manager serves the chairperson of the ESG Committee. Four functional task forces have been set up under the ESG Committee to carry out corporate sustainability tasks in the fields of "corporate governance," "environment & safety," "social engagement," and "drug safety". All committee task forces rely on routine communication channels and stakeholder engagement to gain a clear understanding of their demands and expectations toward the Company. The ESG Committee convenes on a regular basis. In each meeting, each functional group reports their annual target and how their work has been carried out, so that the percentage of annual target achievement can be determined through a rolling review. The annual performances are then reported to the Board of Directors, who oversee the execution of sustainable development, and are disclosed on the Company website and in the annual report.



※The above content is taken from the ESG Report






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