Announced The Board of Directors' resolution of 2024 that the related matters of ex-dividend.

No 1 Date of announcement 2024/07/09 Time of announcement 17:51:01
Subject Announced The Board of Directors' resolution of 2024 that the related matters of ex-dividend.
To which item it meets paragraph 14 Date of events 2024/07/09
  1. Date of the resolution by the board of directors or shareholders’ meeting, or of the decision by the company: 2024/07/09
  2. Type (ex-rights or ex-dividend) (please write ”Ex-rights”, ”Ex-dividend”, or ”Ex-rights and dividend”): Ex-dividend.
  3. Type and monetary amount of dividend distribution:
    1. (1)Distribution of 49.96750063 shares per one thousand shares, new shares of NT$227,552,610 are issued from capital surplus.
  4. Ex-rights (Ex-dividend) date: 2024/07/25
  5. Last date before book closure: 2024/07/26
  6. Book closure starting date: 2024/07/27
  7. Book closure ending date: 2024/07/31
  8. Ex-rights (Ex-dividend) record date: 2024/07/31
  9. Deadline for applying the conversion of the debt voucher: None.
  10. The closure period for the conversion of the debt voucher will start from the date: None.
  11. The closure period for the conversion of the debt voucher will end on the date: None.
  12. Payment date of cash dividend distribution: None.
  13. Any other matters that need to be specified:
    1. (1)Shareholders may apply to the stock transfer agent of the Company for combination of fractional shares within five days from the book closure date of ex-dividend. If no combination is made or if the number of shares remains fractional following combination, the allotment will be made in the form of cash based on par value in a dollar amount instead (rounded down to dollar), and the chairman will be authorized to arrange the subscription by specific person or persons based on par value.
    2. (2)If the company subsequently buys back or transfers treasury shares, or other factors such as laws and regulations have caused changes in the number of outstanding shares, the chairman is authorized to adjust the allotment ratio and the payout ratio.
    3. (3)The OTC listing date of common stock will be on September 3rd, 2024. When it's necessary to adjust the above dates due to the need of objective facts, the chairman is authorized to deal with it.
    4. (4)Rights and obligations of these newly issued shares are the same as issued shares.


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