Subject |
The Company's 2024 consolidated financial statements have been approved by the Board of Directors |
- Date of the board of directors submitted or approved: 2025/02/27
- Date of the audit committee approved: 2025/02/27
- Start and end dates of financial reports or unaudited financial information of the reporting period(XXXX/XX/XX~XXXX/XX/XX): 2024/01/01~2024/12/31
- Operating revenue accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD): 117,926
- Gross profit (loss) from operations accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD): 62,402
- Net operating income (loss) accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD): (1,086,047)
- Profit (loss) before tax accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD): (1,149,730)
- Profit (loss) accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD): (1,153,019)
- Profit (loss) during the period attributable to owners of parent accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD): (1,165,147)
- Basic earnings (loss) per share accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (NTD): (2.44)
- Total assets end of the period (thousand NTD): 13,659,546
- Total liabilities end of the period (thousand NTD): 859,652
- Equity attributable to owners of parent end of the period (thousand NTD): 12,298,878
- Any other matters that need to be specified: None.