Oneness Biotech has been invited to present at the "10th Taiwan CEO Week on Air" online investor’s conference co-organized by TWSE and QIC.



No 1 Date of announcement 2021/10/08 Time of announcement 17:49:51
Subject Oneness Biotech has been invited to present at the "10th Taiwan CEO Week on Air" online investor’s conference co-organized by TWSE and QIC.
To which item it meets
paragraph 12 Date of events 2021/10/08
1.Date of institutional investor conference:2021/10/12
2.Time of institutional investor conference:09:10 (TPE time)
3.Location of institutional investor conference:online conference
4.Outline of institutional investor conference:
Oneness Biotech has been invited to present at the ”10th Taiwan CEO Week on Air” the online conference co-organized by Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE) and Quantum International Corp. (QIC) and to update the company's important new drug development progress and operation.
5.Any other matters that need to be specified:
The presentation slides will be made publicly by being uploaded to Market Observation Post System according to the regulation.


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