Oneness Board of Directors resolved to convene the Annual Shareholders' Meeting of 2025.

No 3 Date of announcement 2025/02/27 Time of announcement 17:12:37
Subject Oneness Board of Directors resolved to convene the Annual Shareholders' Meeting of 2025.
To which item it meets paragraph 17 Date of events 2025/02/27
  1. Date of the board of directors resolution: 2025/02/27
  2. General shareholders' meeting date: 2025/05/22
  3. General shareholders' meeting location: 8F., No. 11, Zhongshan S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan (R.O.C.)(Chang Yung-Fa foundation)
  4. Shareholders meeting will be held by means of (physical shareholders meeting/ visual communication assisted shareholders meeting / visual communication shareholders meeting): visual communication assisted shareholders meeting
  5. Cause for convening the meeting I.Reported matters:
    1. 1.The Business Report of 2024.
    2. 2.Audit Committee's Review Report of 2024.
    3. 3.The 2024 implementation report for the sound business plan.
    4. 4.The amendments to the Company's Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles for TWSE Listed Companies.
    5. 5.The amendments to the Company's Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for Conduct.
    6. 6.The directors' remuneration of 2024.
  6. Cause for convening the meeting II.Acknowledged matters:
    1. 1.2024 Business Report and Financial Statements.
    2. 2.The 2024 deficit compensation proposal.
    3. 3.Recognized the change of the cash capital increase plan for 2020.
  7. Cause for convening the meeting III.Matters for Discussion:
    1. 1.Proposal for amendments to the Company's Articles of incorporation.
  8. Cause for convening the meeting IV.Election matters: None.
  9. Cause for convening the meeting V.Other Proposals: None.
  10. Cause for convening the meeting VI.Extemporary Motions: .
  11. Book closure starting date: 2025/03/24
  12. Book closure ending date: 2025/05/22
  13. Any other matters that need to be specified: None.


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